Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Secret of Happiness Living and Discovering Your Purpose AND fast ways to lose weight revealed

Tap into experiencing, living and learning, even failures, mistakes and hard lessons can help you grow and enjoy success and happiness in life and work more!

Get personal, stay in touch and do the unexpected! Be earnest and hones, keep going, even if and when the going gets very tough! Learn to do things with humility and remain humble, thankful and ever forward looking. If you are looking for secret of happiness, here are some tips for you.

Allow yourself to define who you are, what success and happiness means and is for and to you! You do not have to live your life according to someone else standards or get permission from anyone to live like you want! Dream and follow your heart, taking personal responsibility for both process and outcome. You are not a victim of your birth, circumstance, education, means and stance in life!

Recently, one of my readers asks me how one can overcome difficulties in their lives. This is what i have to tell her:

Overcome difficulties in your life and hardship that you might have to encounter. These these do not have to define who you ae and what you are capable of at all!

Find and live the deeper meaning of life. What is your foundation, purpose, direction?

Have and show a heart and compassion for others and just be true to your authentic self. Do not try to be something that you are not.

Be passionate and positive about and in your life and you will experience how this joy, success and happiness

redefines and shapes your life and those of others you come in contact with, for the better.

Be generous and give openly of yourself to whatever you pursue and whomever you choose to. Have impact and meaning, keep on learning about yourself, life and others and deepen your understanding of what success and happiness for you, for others would entail. Learn to discover and live your purpose.

Always continue to grow-personally and professionally and make this a personal commitment, daily and throughout your life. Do not stagnate. Avoid being a hypocrite, selling yourself short or compromise of your personal beliefs and core values. Always strive to be the best that you can possible be and persist!

How should you find and live your passion? What do you think or know your calling, gifts, contributions to be? How can you make a difference here and now and in the future? If you find your path, the joy and happiness, satisfaction and inner knowing that you have found and are living your dream becomes reality!

Keep expanding your mind, knowledge, pursuits and meaning, be a life long student and master, deepen your understanding and probe, gain wisdom that can guide your efforts forward and throughout life, so you can experience true success and happiness, reward of a fulfilled life.

Do not settle for mediocre. Learn to take the higher road, even if it is the MORE difficult path to seek and take step-by-step. Do not place limits on yourself or what might be!

Make your desires known and let go of restraint, doubt or fear. Expel fear from your life. Do not fret, stress or lose control and ask for the help you know you need when you need it. Tap into your support networks and tackle life, challenges and opportunities with guts and glory!

Be and set out with bold conviction and a positive attitude, with your clear goals front-of-mind and achieving them a top priority.

Be a true human leader and champion and set an example that matters and lasts. Tap into your strengths and always seek and portray the joy, success and happiness (even when you do not necessarily feel it, claim your victory and triumph and suspend negative emotions, self-doubt, fear, depression, self-or over-reliant arrogance and the like.)

Show love and caring and your authentic self, make connections with others, not merely transact with the. Have an eye and heart for others. In the words of Mother Theresa: The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards one neighbor.

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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com

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